Entrepreneur’s ‘Woodless’ Plywood Made with Rice Husk Saves 20000 Trees From Being Cut – UW GROUP

Entrepreneur’s ‘Woodless’ Plywood Made with Rice Husk Saves 20000 Trees From Being Cut

After working in the plywood manufacturing industry for four decades, entrepreneur B L Bengani realised that there was a dire need for an alternative that did not involve cutting trees. 

Amid the pandemic alone, India lost 14% of its tree cover, which made carbon emissions equivalent to those given out by 570 million cars.

Aware of this alarming statistic, the Chennai resident sought to find an alternative that would not harm the environment in any manner. This thought, combined with two years of research, resulted in Bengani innovating a zero-wood board made with agricultural husk to replace plywood.

Named the Natural Fibre Composite Board, or ‘NFC Board’, this is termite-proof, waterproof, flame retardant, 100% recyclable material that can be moulded and shaped in any desired shape, he says. In addition to agricultural husks like that of rice and wheat, it also uses PVC resin imported from Japan and South Korea.


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