Benefits of FLEGT licensing to European market prospects A survey of over 130 companies in the EU+UK, includinga significant proportion of the region’s largest importers oftropical timber products, highlights that FLEGT licensinghas helped boost market prospects for Indonesianproducts. It also shows that implementation of the EUTimber Regulation (EUTR) and associated risingdependence on certified products has led to a narrowing inthe range of tropical companies supplying the regionoverall. But while EUTR contributed initially to the fall in share oftropical timber products in the EU+UK market, the surveyreveals that this effect may be moderating and a significantminority of respondents now suggest that the existence ofEUTR is helping to reduce reputational problemssurrounding trade in tropical timber. The survey was undertaken in 2020 by the FLEGTIndependent Market Monitor (IMM), the ITTO projectsupported by EU funding, and covered tropical timbertrading companies in six countries (Belgium, France,Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK) whichtogether account for over 90% of EU+UK timber importsfrom VPA partner countries. The 2020 survey built on earlier IMM surveys undertakeneach year between 2015 and 2019 and covered a broadrange of private sector players, including importers andagents as well as manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers andbuilding contractors. In response to a question on which country respondentsbelieved would be the most important supply country fortropical timber five years from now, Indonesia received byfar the most individual votes in the 2020 survey,overtaking all four countries identified as potentially moreimportant when the same question was asked in 2018(Cameroon, Brazil, Malaysia and Congo Republic). Indonesia received 45 out of a total of 293 votes in 2020(survey respondents were allowed multiple answers),compared to 38 votes for Malaysia, 36 votes forCameroon, and 32 votes for Brazil. Vietnam ranked only9th in the 2020 survey, a result likely due to the fact thatmost respondents are importers of HS44 wood products,rather than furniture which dominates imports fromVietnam. India (3 votes) emerged for the first time as a potential keysupplier in the 2020 survey. Over the last decade, Indianexports of wood products and especially furnitureincreased substantially to a number of countries in theEU+UK including Germany, the Netherlands, the UK andFrance. Brazil made a sharp recovery in 2020, after a drop to just12 votes and 9th place in the ranking in 2019. However, according to survey respondents, doubts stillpersist regarding the political situation in Brazil and theimplications for timber legality and EUTR due diligence. Several other South American countries were mentionedas having potential to gain in importance as suppliers toEurope, including Peru (8 votes), Bolivia (3 votes) andSuriname (3 votes). Among South American VPA partnercountries, Guyana (3 votes) was considered to haveslightly more potential as a supplier than Honduras (1vote) in 2020. Surveyed companies were asked whether FLEGTLicensing and the introduction of the EUTR has had anydirect impact on the share of tropical timber in theiroverall timber imports. Two thirds of respondents confirmed fully or partially that,where possible, they would give preference to FLEGTlicensedtimber from Indonesia over unlicensed timberfrom competing sources. The proportion of respondentsreporting small increases in Indonesian timber productimports due to introduction of FLEGT-licensed timberrose sharply to 28% last year; this compares to 12% inboth 2018 and 2019. A few respondents indicated thatIndonesia had gained market share from South Americanand Malaysian suppliers. Nevertheless, a significant majority (71%) of respondentsreported that FLEGT-licensing has led to “no change” inthe share of Indonesian products in their purchases, a factat least partly due to Indonesia supplying limited, evennegligible, volumes of some key timber products (notablyrough sawn hardwood). The 2020 survey also showed that 60% of respondentsfound that the administrative process of importingFLEGT-licensed timber was easily understandable andmanageable, a rise from around 50% in 2019 and less than20% in 2017 survey. The number of respondentshighlighting challenges in the FLEGT licensing procedurestabilised at a low level in 2020, after declining sharply in2018 and again in 2019. globalwood