EU27 tropical wood imports slow as economic outlook deteriorates In the first ten months of 2022, the EU27 imported 1.68million tonnes of tropical wood and wood furnitureproducts with a total value of US$3.79B, respectively 15%and 24% more than the same period the previous year. However, imports have been slowing since summer 2022and the economic outlook in the EU deteriorated sharplyin the last quarter of the year. The war in Ukraine iscontributing to huge increases in energy prices, whilebusiness and consumer confidence has been hit byexpectations of higher interest rates to control inflation. In US dollar terms, total EU27 imports of tropical woodand wood furniture imports were still high in October lastyear compared to the same month in the previous fiveyears despite falling sharply since the summer (Chart 1a). However in tonnage terms, EU27 total imports of tropicalwood and wood furniture in October last year were in linewith the level achieved in that month in the previous fiveyears and well below levels typical of a decade ago (Chart1b). EU economy projected to grow just 0.2% this yearThe extent of the economic downturn in the EU27 ishighlighted in the 2023 edition of the “World EconomicSituation and Prospects” (WESP) published by the UnitedNations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) in January. According to the WESP report “the economic outlook forEurope has continued to deteriorate amid the protractedwar in Ukraine. Soaring energy prices have pushedinflation to multi-decade highs, eroding householdpurchasing power and increasing production costs forfirms. Market liquidity has tightened as the region’scentral banks have accelerated interest rate hikes to rein ininflationary pressures. Higher borrowing costs, sizeablefiscal deficits and elevated debt levels continue toconstrain fiscal space in many European economies”. The WESP report also notes that “the externalenvironment has worsened amid weakening growth inChina and the United States and heightened globaleconomic uncertainty”. Against this background, the WESP report projects thatthere will a “mild recession” in many European countriesduring the winter of 2022 to 2023, followed by a subduedrecovery. GDP in the European Union is projected to growby only 0.2 per cent in 2023, a sharp downward revisionfrom earlier forecasts. In 2024, the WESP forecasts thatgrowth will pick up to 1.6 per cent as inflation eases andthe monetary tightening cycle ends. This comes, according to the WESP report, after asurprisingly strong expansion of 3.3 per cent in 2022,when further relaxation of COVID-19 mobilityrestrictions and pent-up demand boosted spending oncontact-intensive services, including tourism-relatedactivities. But the report observes that “in the third quarter of 2022,consumer confidence both in the European Union and inthe United Kingdom plunged to the lowest level since the1980s, with only a slight improvement in October andNovember”. For 2023, the WESP report states that “while the worstcasescenario of massive disruptions to industrial activitieswill likely be avoided, Europe is still projected to see amarked economic downturn. Private consumption willweaken due to significant purchasing power losses byhouseholds and tightening financial conditions. Businesses are expected to cut back on capital spendingamid elevated uncertainty and higher input and borrowingcosts. In addition, external demand is projected to softenfurther as the region’s main trading partners – China andthe United States face subdued growth prospects in 2023”. The WESP report suggests that some European countrieswill be hit much harder than others. GDP is forecast tocontract in Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UnitedKingdom in 2023, as these economies are particularlyvulnerable to the combination of soaring energy prices andrising borrowing costs. By contrast, economic growth isexpected to be more resilient in a few smaller economies,including Ireland and Portugal. The latest data from the S&P Global eurozoneconstruction purchasing managers’ index (PMI) underlinesthe extent of economic deterioration. It shows that theconstruction sector is suffering its worst decline since thepandemic brought the economy to a near-standstill in2020. December’s PMI showed a total activity index of 42.6,down from 43.6 in November. Figures below 50 indicatedeclining activity. The data marked the eighth consecutivemonth of contraction in home building. Activity declinedin all three of the 20-nation bloc’s biggest economies —Germany, France and Italy. Excluding periods of Covid-19 lockdowns, total homebuildingactivity dropped in December at the sharpest ratesince March 2013 and new orders for all constructionprojects declined at the fastest rate since September 2014,S&P said. The biggest falls in both cases were inGermany. Commercial building activity also fell for theninth consecutive month, said S&P, adding that thebiggest drop was in France. The gloomy findings underline how rising borrowingcosts, sharply higher raw material prices and worries that arecession could accelerate a fall in property prices are allweighing on the European construction industry.According to the S&P “December data suggested thatfirms were anticipating challenging economic conditionsto continue into the future”. More positively, S&Preported a “sustained easing” in both cost and supplypressures. Rise in EU27 import value of tropical furniture masksfall in quantityIn the first ten months of 2022, EU27 import value ofwood furniture from tropical countries was US$1.52B,14% higher than the same period in 2021. This increase indollar value was entirely due to higher freight rates andprices and the weakness of the euro last year. In tonnageterms, imports declined 6% to 305,500 tonnes during theten-month period. In the first ten months of 2022, there were large increasesin EU27 wood furniture import value from Vietnam(+21% to US$626M), Indonesia (+23% to US$454M),Malaysia (+17% to US$108M) and the Philippines (+17%to US$8M). Import value fell from India (-7% toUS$284M) and Thailand (-3% to US$25M). EU27 woodfurniture imports from all other tropical countries werenegligible. EU27 imports of tropical sawnwood up 24%After two slow years during the global pandemic, EU27imports of tropical sawnwood recovered ground in the firstten months of last year. Imports of 869,000 cubic metresbetween January and October last year were 24% higherthan the same period in 2021 and 34% more than the sameperiod in 2020. Sawnwood imports increased during the ten-month periodlast year from all the largest tropical suppliers to the EU27including Cameroon (+23% to 306,400 cubic metres),Brazil (+47% to 148,700 cubic metres), Gabon (+18% to133,600 cubic metres), Malaysia (+29% to 77,000 cubicmetres), Congo (+20% to 65,600 cubic metres) and Ghana(+17% to 25,800 cubic metres). Of smaller sawnwood supply countries, there were largepercentage increases in imports from DRC (+113% to11,500 cubic metres), Suriname (+64% to 9,400 cubicmetres), Indonesia (+46% to 9,000 cubic metres), Angola(+35% to 6,200 cubic metres), and CAR (+167% to 5,700cubic metres). In contrast imports from Côte d’Ivoire fell26% to 16,800 cubic metres and from Ecuador were down17% to 25,800 cubic metres. Unlike sawnwood, EU27 imports of tropicalmouldings/decking were slow between January andOctober last year. Imports of 156,600 tonnes betweenJanuary and October 2022 were just 1% more than thesame period in 2021. Supply shortages contributed to falling imports fromIndonesia, which declined 12% to 48,000 tonnes duringthe ten-month period. The fall in imports from Indonesiawas offset by rising imports from Brazil (+2% to 60,800tonnes) and Gabon (+72% to 12,400 tonnes). Of smaller suppliers, there were increases in imports fromBolivia (+36% to 7,000 tonnes) and Malaysia (+25% to6,400 tonnes). Imports from Peru declined by 2% to11,900 tonnes in the first ten months of last year afterstrongly rising the previous year (Chart 4). Between January and October 2022, the EU27 imported98,100 cubic metres of tropical logs, 14% more than thesame period in 2021. EU27 log imports increased from all three of the largestAfrican supply countries in the first ten months of last yearcompared to the same period in 2021; Congo (+7% to40,400 cubic metres), CAR (+31% to 20,100 cubicmetres), and DRC (+56% to 11,200 cubic metres). globalwood